My thoughts on Hebrews 11:1
Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”
What is hope? What is faith? These are two very overused words that are really full of deep meaning- meaning many of us don’t recognize. They are words written beautifully over journals and beaded around the arm. Many have heard them used so often they do not think twice. The true concepts of faith and hope seem to have long been forgotten. Some may read this verse and strive to muster up enough faith so that what they are “hoping” for comes to pass, but I xhave a feeling this verse is saying something completely different. As humans we need hope. Without hope we are left empty and lifeless with no purpose to carry on. Often times we place our hope in things that let us down or that are not ultimately satisfying, but when our faith is placed in an eternal, unchanging God and not temporary things we have true hope and our longing is satisfied in the presence of Jesus. Throughout our days we forget that hope and faith mean absolutely nothing if not placed in God. They are not feelings we muster up. I once heard that it is truly not about how much faith you have, but who your faith is in. Faith is assurance and conviction, and when placed in God’s hands not only fills the longing desires of our hearts, but it reveals the way of truth to us.
Application: This week I want to rest knowing that my faith is placed in Jesus. When my thoughts wander, in worry, to the days and weeks and even years ahead, I will not dwell there. Because I know that my faith and hope are in God and His way is best, and the more I try to plan the less I can focus on His goodness here and now. I must not forget that my striving and planning is placing faith in myself and not in God.
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