My Thoughts on Ephesians 6:1
Ephesians 6:1 “Children obey your parents, for this is right. “
Colossians 3:20 “Children obey your parents in everything for this pleases the Lord.”
I was read these verse approximately a million times as a kid and I know it by heart, but why does God command us to do this? It is not because He wants to make our lives difficult or He wants to add another rule to the book we have to keep. Something that took me awhile to realize and still have to remind myself of often is that God’s commands are to make our lives easier and more fulfilling. He paints a picture of the way a family is supposed to run and the world today has burned that up. The way He tells us to live our lives is the best way! It will bring the best life! They’re not just rules to kill time. He tells us these things because He loves to see the joy of a family that is set up properly. He prepared our parents to parent us and He established that authority in our life and we are told to respect that because it will bring joy! I was privileged to grow up in a household where my parents loved me and loved God. Sometimes they made decisions concerning me or told me “No” and it upset me. Looking back, I am so grateful for the things they protected me from and the things they encouraged me in. If only I could have had that perspective in the moment. Now, I see that obeying my parents pleases the Lord and is right because it makes my life easier and full. Today I can say that I have an amazing relationship with my parents and being apart from them has given me a whole new appreciation for them. Now I understand why that verse was repeated to me so many times in my life.
Application: This week I will write an email to my parents thanking them for the way the raised me and for all their hard work that I have often taken for granted.
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