My Thoughts On Hebrews 5:8

Hebrews 5:8 “Although he was a son, he learned obedience through what he suffered.”

This verse is talking about the greatest example of obedience: Jesus. Hebrews then goes on to say “And being made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him.” I think this verse is interesting. It is saying that Jesus learned obedience not because He was a son, but because of what He suffered. Maybe I am missing the point of the verse, but something sticks out to me about the way Jesus learned. He learned by circumstances He was had to face not by instruction. We learn by trial and error and often not by listening to a preacher. There are things we have to live through to gain understanding and just being told them is not enough. This has been true for me. I can be told a million times to obey, but I am not going to learn obedience from anyone else than from God. I am challenged then to instead of looking at my awful circumstances and question if God is real, recognize that God puts circumstances in my life to teach me things and to pull out the junk in my life. Whatever situation we are in is not accidental, but it is purposeful. We are suffering so that we can learn. Our suffering is never in vain, and we will walk away more like Christ!

Application: I will write a list of things that God is teaching me in the circumstances that I am in.


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