My Thoughts on Romans 6:16
Romans 6:16 “Do you not know that if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to righteousness.”
This verse is freeing because it tells us that we no longer have to be under the rule of sin, but now we can be under the rule of righteousness. Which means that our motivation can go from “I don’t want to sin” to “I no longer have to sin because sin is not my ruler.” The difference is the victory in we have in Jesus. Because of the cross our sins are forgiven past, present, and future and this is not an excuse to sin, but an excuse to not sin! This is an excuse to be free from the chains of sin! I love the picture this gives us of sin. Sometimes we think that living like Jesus is slavery, but living in sin is freeing. This verse makes it very clear that either way we live is it’s own form of slavery: one just happens to lead to death and the other to righteousness. So the choice is up to me. Will I choose death or will I choose righteousness? Will I choose momentary comforts or will I choose a strong disciplined life? Will I choose the a satisfying life in Christ or an unfulfilling life lived in the world? Thats the thing. Sin makes us miserable with no hope, but in Jesus Christ sometimes we may feel miserable because dying to self is hard, but it is never ever a hopeless miserable. Praise Jesus!
Application: I will get up earlier in the morning and go on a run twice in the next week so that I can be discipled in the small areas of my life.
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