My Thoughts On Philippians 3:9
Philippians 3:9 “And be found in Him, not having righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith.”
The verse before is the one I wrote on yesterday: How I can honestly say that gaining Christ was way worth all the loss, that in fact it wasn’t really loss because when God emptied me He filled me with himself. It was all worth it to gain Christ and be found in Him. My identity is in Christ. Honestly, I don’t usually live like my identity is in Christ. I don’t live everyday like I am found in Him. I heard an analogy one time that went like this: A bride on her wedding day in her beautiful white dress wouldn’t go and splash in mud puddles because she knows who she is. She is the bride dressed in white. Likewise for us. If we knew who we were in Christ we wouldn’t be jumping in mud puddles. We wouldn’t be playing with sin. We wouldn’t struggle with condemnation. We wouldn’t worry or fear. Now I know we are human and we often run by feelings and we often mess up, but just think! In the eyes of God you are counted as righteous. Why do we put any other title on ourselves? It is because we forget who we are in Christ, at least I do. I mess with sin and I worry and I fear and I often struggle with condemnation. I am sure that God looks at me with eyes of love just asking me to see myself the way He sees me, but instead of looking at God as a God of love I look at Him as someone who wants to punish me, hurt me, steal the good in my life. I guess my problem is not only my view of myself, but my view of God. I want to know God more and more as my friend.
Application: I will write down 5 facts about the way God views me.
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