My Thoughts on Luke 2:46
Luke 2:46 “After three days they found Him in the temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them, and asking them questions.”
Jesus was a good student. That is clear. I know this because it says that He sat among the teachers and not only did He listen to what they had to say, He also asked questions. As children we learned by asking questions. When I was three years old I am sure I was the most curious child and I asked my mom all kinds of questions and I know that my mom was very patient with me and answered those questions. When did I lose the wonder of asking questions? Seeking to understand the Word of God? Wanting to know the character of God? At some point I just stopped asking questions and very rarely do I ask them now. I think it is because I have gotten lazy. I don’t care enough to find out the real meaning behind a verse or a way of doing things that I just accept it and never stop to ask God: What does this mean? Along with asking questions though, I have to listen. This is another area that I FAIL at. I don’t stop and wait long enough for God to ever answer my questions. I say “God I want to hear your voice” and then I close my Bible and go about my life. I don’t give God the time to speak because I am already gone. This is something that I want to change. I need God to give me the patience to wait and listen for Him.
Application: Tomorrow when I read my Bible I will write down three questions that I want to know about what I read.
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