My Thoughts On Ecclesiastes 5:19-20
Ecclesiastes 5:19-20 “Everyone also to whom God has given wealth and possessions and power to enjoy them, and to accept his lot and rejoice in his toil- this is the gift of God. For he will not much remember the days of his life because God keeps him occupied with joy in his heart.”
Honestly I sat down to write my IBS right now and so I began to search for a verse that really put into words what I am dealing with in my heart right now. The Lord showed me this verse. Something I am struggling right now is finding purpose. Most mornings I wake up and feel purposeless. I feel as though I am not giving my heart out to these people or this country and I feel as though I am hardly even giving my heart out to the Lord. Something I was reminded of this morning was that in order to fully embrace Jesus I must not have anything else in my hands. Right now I feel as though I am holding on to other things. I am holding on to dreams. I am holding on to plans and desires I have for my life. I think these verses are beautiful because it shows how God blesses people and gives them love and purpose in their life, but those people don’t think to much of it because they are too busy rejoicing in the Lord and who He is. They have joy because God is their God not because their life is going the way they want it to. Right now I am struggling to trust the Lord with my future for some reason because I think He has come to kill and destroy all my hopes and dreams, but our God doesn’t do that. The only reason why He will ever say no to something I want is because He knows that He has something better. Why am I still struggling with this? Why do I still not trust the God who has proven himself real and faithful countless times in my life? Why am I still trying to hold on to something that isn’t mine anyways? Especially when I know holding on only brings death? Lord set me free.
Application: I will not dwell on matters of the future this week and I will take them to the Lord every time they pop up in my mind and ask Him to take this desire and change it in conformity with His plan for me- whatever that may be.
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