My Thoughts on Psalm 72:12-13

Psalm 72:12-13 “For He delivers the needy when He calls, the poor and him who has no helper. He has pit on the weak and the needy and saves the lives of the needy.”

As I was just reading these verses in my devotional time the other day I just realized that in order to come to the Lord we must be needy. I think this verse describes a lot of what the Lord has been teaching me in the daily lately: that I need Him. I grew up in church and I often struggle with pride and I have self-confidence enough that I didn’t often look to the Lord as someone I needed. I thought I could do it on my own. Lately my prayer has been for this season and the next that the Lord would never let me be comfortable to live in myself and to do this life on my own strength. He has answered that prayer time and time again. There are days where I get frustrated and discouraged. There are days when I look way to long at myself and how I feel and in those days the Lord has taken me to the feet of the cross. He has given me the strength to ask for help even sometimes when I don’t know if I want it. It hasn’t been until this year that I really saw the need I had for the Lord. I never saw the neediness in my heart throughout the day, moment-by-moment. Most of my life, I lived on my very own strength, and it didn’t get me very far. The Lord is near to the needy. He helps the broken in heart. He delivers those who call upon His name. Will I come needy? Will I come empty? Will I come broken? 

Application: I want to continue abiding in the Lord and not living my days on my own strength. Each morning I want to dedicate my day to Him and continue to dedicate each part to Him in prayer throughout the day.



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