My Thoughts Colossians 1:11

Colossians 1:11 “Being strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy”

With joy. I can understand that, but endurance and patience with joy? Thats where I struggle. My joy is not unconditional. It is situational especially when life is dull and we have to endure and persevere with patience. This week our verses are themed perseverance and I think it is a good week for that. I am in the midst of my fourth week here in Guatemala and the initial pain of leaving my family and friends has worn off and the initial excitement of meeting all these fun new people has also worn off and when I am left in this place of choice. Left to myself, I go through the motions. Wake up, eat, class, eat, outreach, IBS, shower, prayer, go to bed. I am left in a place that because I am lacking emotions I have to choose to choose God, even here. Even while I am being fed, I have a choice to be strengthened with His power and have endurance with joy. This is where life becomes either mundane and dull or when I have to start choosing to see God in the daily. So many of my studies this week have been about the daily. I guess that is because God is revealing to me a lot about that word and I honestly don’t think you can have perseverance or endurance with joy without choosing it every. single. day. 

Application: While I am doing those daily activities like brushing my teeth or writing my IBS’s I will pray and ask God to make those not dull, that He would enter in and give me the excitement that I lack.


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